AGS Scripts inside Dialog Scripts

Are you confused? Do you find yourself asking the question: How can diolog scripts have AGS scripts inside them? Well stop being confused my friend because wewill now explain: Dialog Scripts can have AGS Scripts inside them. It's a simple concept if you think about it. Sometimes you want a character to actually perform an action during a conversation. To demonstrate this, let's have Foxy ask Dork if he could get the apple from the tree for her.

tart by adding a new option to our dialog by replacing Option 3 with the text "Hey Dork, can you get that apple from the tree?" and uncheck the Show checkbox but check the Say checkbox. In the right pane, add the following under the @3 symbol.

    cDork: Hmm. I'm not sure. Let me go see.
	    cDork.Walk(107, 144, eBlock, eWalkableAreas);
	    cDork.FaceLocation(cDork.x - 1, cDork.y);
	    cDork.Walk(250, 60, eBlock, eWalkableAreas);
    cDork: No. It's way too far up there. Maybe you could throw something at it.
    cFoxyMonk: Oh ok.

Now, notice there's indentation in the AGS Script. There has to be a Tab there to let AGS know that what you just typed in should be interpreted as AGS Script and not Dialog Script. Change the stop for Option 3 to return and add a 4th option with the text "End conversation" and uncheck the Say checkbox and check the Show checkbox. Change the 4th option's return keyword to stop.

This new option should be turned on with Option 2 after Foxy gets Dork's name. Add the following in Dork's response to Option 1 right under option-on 2.

	dDialog0.SetOptionState(3, eOptionOn);

Make sure there's a tab in front of that because that's AGS script and not Dialog script. It should end up looking like Figure 8.5.

Figure 8.5: 3 AGS Script Inside Dialog Script

So now, Foxy will be able to ask Dork to get the apple for her after she gets his name. Notice that we used AGS Script to turn Option 3 on instead of Dialog Script using the SetOptionState() function. We only did this to show you that you can do that. But what if Foxy already has the apple...